6 times table

6 times table
6 x 1 = 6
6 x 2 = 12
6 x 3 = 18
6 x 4 = 24
6 x 5 = 30
6 x 6 = 36
6 x 7 = 42
6 x 8 = 48
6 x 9 = 54
6 x 10 = 60
6 x 11 = 66
6 x 12 = 72

Learning the multiplication table is a crucial part of every child’s mathematical journey. One of the tables that kids often struggle with is the table of 6. However, with the right techniques and strategies in place, this task can become an enjoyable learning experience.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into learning the multiplication table of 6, it’s essential to have a good grasp of the basics of multiplication. This includes understanding what multiplication is and how it works. Multiplication simply involves adding a number to itself repeatedly, as many times as indicated by another number.

For example, when multiplying 6 by 4 (6 x 4), we are adding 6 to itself four times: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24.

A Visual Approach: Using a Chart

An excellent way to learn the multiplication table of 6 is by using a chart. This visual representation can help kids easily see the relationship between numbers and their products. To create a multiplication chart, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a grid on a piece of paper or a poster board.
  2. Label the top row and first column with the numbers 1 through 10.
  3. Find the intersection point for each pair of numbers and write down the product of those two numbers at that point.
  4. Highlight the row or column corresponding to the multiplication table of 6.

By referring to this chart regularly, kids can quickly recognize patterns and commit the multiplication table of 6 to memory.

Spotting Patterns

One interesting aspect of the multiplication table of 6 is the pattern it creates in its products. All multiples of 6 are even numbers, which means they end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. As children become more familiar with this sequence, they will find it easier to remember the table.

6 times table chart

  2 3 4 5 6  
2 4 6 8 10 12 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 3
4 8 12 16 20 24 4
5 10 15 20 25 30 5
6 12 18 24 30 36 6
  2 3 4 5 6  

Finger Trick: A Quick Method for Kids

A lesser-known but fun and effective technique for learning the multiplication table of 6 involves using your fingers. This trick works well for multiplying any number by 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10. Here’s how it works:

  1. Assign each of your fingers a value, starting with your pinky finger on your left hand as 6 and continuing through to your pinky finger on your right hand as 10.
  2. To multiply a number by 6, touch the corresponding fingers together, palm-to-palm.
  3. Count the number of fingers below (and including) the touching fingers on both hands. This represents the tens place of the product.
  4. Multiply the remaining fingers on your left hand by the remaining fingers on your right hand. This gives you the ones place of the product.
  5. Add the two values to get the final result.

For example, if you want to calculate 6 x 7, touch your left pinky (6) to your right ring finger (7). You have five fingers below them (counting both touching fingers), giving you 30. Then, multiply the remaining three fingers on your left hand by the remaining two fingers on your right hand, resulting in 6. Finally, add the two values together: 30 + 6 = 36.

Drilling with Flashcards

Flashcards are a time-tested method for memorizing various pieces of information, including multiplication tables. Creating a set of flashcards for the table of 6 is an easy way to practice and reinforce learning. To use this method:

  • Create a set of flashcards with one multiplication fact on each card, such as “6 x 4” or “6 x 7.”
  • On the back of each card, write the correct answer.
  • Shuffle the cards and go through them one by one, trying to recall the answer before checking it.
  • As you become more confident, try to answer faster and eventually work toward answering without looking at the back of the card.

Fun Activities and Games

Learning the multiplication table of 6 doesn’t have to be boring. There are countless games and activities that kids can engage in to make the learning process enjoyable. Some fun ideas include:

  • Multiplication Bingo: Create bingo cards with products of the multiplication table of 6, then call out multiplication facts instead of numbers. Kids will enjoy marking their cards and shouting “Bingo!” when they’ve completed a row.
  • Treasure Hunt: Hide flashcards with multiplication facts around your home. Challenge your child to find and solve the problems, then reward them with small treats or prizes.
  • Multiplication Board Game: Design a board game where players move forward based on correctly answered multiplication questions. Modify an existing board game or create your own unique game with fun illustrations and challenges.

By incorporating these methods, strategies, and activities into your child’s learning routine, mastering the multiplication table of 6 can become a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Times tables